Thursday, January 26, 2012


If I were asked to give what I consider the single most useful bit of advice for all humanity it would be this: Expect trouble as an inevitable part of life and when it comes, hold your head high, look it squarely in the eye and say, "I will be bigger than you. You cannot defeat me."
Ann Landers

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


So tomorrow I'm turning 25!
25 and stronger then I've ever been before,

I have a job that challenges me

A boy that gives me a little bit of heaven

I live with friends that don't tear at my heart
I have a car, a home and a heart

I have my dreams

I have the power to create a future that is better then my past
I have hope
and my humanity
I have a unceasing unquenchable desire for more

I have the ability to love, to give, to care

With all this I am unstoppable

What more could a girl want

Gone are the days when you had to make a million dollars before you could be worthy of donating to a cause, or you had to be classified as a world class surgeon to be qualified to use your skills to benefit someone in need.
If you’re living in the 21st century then you’re in a time where anything is possible! A time where if you have 2 hands and a mind you have all the power you need to be a force for good is this world.
Today all this world needs to effect change is you! So find out what have to give; your time, skills or influence and use it to bring good to a world that needs it now more than ever.
Everyone has something to give! Find out what that is and share it with the world.